Staff Resources

Know of a helpful resource for our team? Email

+ What are Baringa's Priorities for 2023?

We’re excited to work on the following priorities from our Quality Improvement Plan 2023.

  • STRENGTHENING CULTURE: Baringa will strengthen our passionate working culture by encouraging agency and investing in educators' personal and professional development. We will also continue to embed diverse cultural perspectives, ways of being and learning in our educational programs and environments.

  • ACTIVE PLAY AND WELLBEING: Baringa will promote active play and wellbeing in educational programs and daily routines. We will continue supporting active environments and opportunities that nurture the holistic wellbeing of children and families.

  • COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS: Baringa will continue to build meaningful relationships and partnerships with our community. We will strengthen our communication with families, and prioritize advocacy in action to support positive change in the Early Learning Sector.

GET INVOLVED - read more here, chat to your Team Leader, Betty or Carley or email

+ What are Baringa's COVID19 Safety Procedures?

To keep everyone safe, it is important for all staff to know our COVID19 Safety Plan and COVID19 Safety Procedures.

If you have any questions please speak to your Team Leader, Betty or Carley, or email

GET INVOLVED - read more here, chat to your Team Leader, Betty or Carley or email

+ What to do when you need support?

If you have any questions or feedback, please speak to your Team Leader. If you are a casual educator, feel free to approach any Team Leader. You are also welcome to chat with Centre Management any time.

We also encourage you to use Benestar, our Employment Assistance Program. Benestar gives us free access to a coach or counsellor about any work-related or personal concerns, or just to have someone to talk to. You have the option to do so by online chat, over the phone or in person. This confidential, free service is available for all staff, and our partners. Benestar does not tell Baringa who has contacted them and you can stay completely anonymous.

Read more about how Benestar works. To access the service call 1300 360 364 or use the online live chat using these details: ID: BELC | Token: BELC01

"I did an online chat with Benestar, they are absolutely amazing, very supportive people and very understanding as well. They gave me a few suggestions to deal with things. I felt it was time to get some of the tension off. I got so much off my chest it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders." - Baringa Staff Member

Would you like to be a support person? We’re looking for staff to be Holistic Support Officers, if you like helping others, we’ll be doing training soon. Email

+ What to do when taking a day off or annual leave?

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+ What to do when you're sick and can't do your shift?

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