Getting Started

To get started, please submit a Wait List Form and contact us for a Centre Tour.

+ Enrolment Process

Step 1. Accept the Offer - As soon as we can provide your preferred days, we will send an offer via email. The email will direct you to login to MY FAMILY LOUNGE. Once logged in you may either accept the offer or, if circumstances have changed, modify your request.

Step 2. Enrolment Form - After accepting the offer, follow the prompts in MY FAMILY LOUNGE to create an online Enrolment Form.

  • Please complete the form on a computer (not on mobile). It includes information about your child's details, contacts, dietary requirements, medical history, immunisations and permissions.

  • It is important to enter the correct Centrelink Customer Reference Numbers (CRNs) to receive the Australian Government's Child Care Subsidy (CCS). You and your child will have separate CRNs. Please sign the enrolment form electronically prior to submitting.

  • For assistance with the enrolment process please contact us or make an appointment to complete the form at Baringa.

Step 3. Direct Debit Authorisation - As part of the Enrolment Process, you be prompted to provide a preferred bank account or credit card which will be used to direct debit fees.

A New Enrolment Holding Fee of $200 per child will be charged and credited to your Baringa account once your child commences. If you choose to cancel the enrolment prior to commencing, the New Enrolment Holding Fee will not be refunded.

Step 4. Login to MyGov - You will then need to confirm your enrolment with Baringa via MyGov. This will enable the Child Care Subsidy.

  • If you do not confirm the enrolment prior to commencing you may be required to pay full fees without CCS.
  • CCS is not provided prior to your child's first physical attendance, or after their last last physical attendance. This means if your child is absent on their first or last day of enrolment, CCS will not be provided and full fees will be charged.

Step 5. Money Matters and Child Care Subsidy - Please familiarise yourself with the Fees Policy and make sure you do all the steps required to apply for, and activate Child Care Subsidy for your child. Click Here.

+ Orientation Sessions

For children joining Baringa for the first time - We encourage you to bring your child in for orientation before their first day. This is an opportunity for them to become familiar with the environment while you are still with them.

It is also a great opportunity for the educators to speak with you about your child and their needs. Orientation usually starts a few weeks prior to your child’s start date and we will book this at a time that suits you.

We also offer an information session as an extra opportunity to chat about the education program and any questions you may have about your child's new room.

Transitions Process - Children make many transitions in their Baringa journey from small transitions, such as moving from inside to outside play, to big transitions like moving to a new room when they become ready.

When looking at your child/ren moving to a new play space with new educators and peers, Baringa understands that this is a big change for your little people and their families. That is why we endeavour to support the children with longer periods of small visits and plays in their new room before their official start date in their new environment, helping the children to develop crucial connections and relationships with educators and peers.

During January 2021, our educators are working hard to create plans and provide times that the children can learn and create connections in their new environments. If you would like to know more about what your room is doing to help your child transition, please have a chat to your Team Leader.

Our information sessions also provide an additional opportunity to discuss your child/ren's transition to their new room.

+ Attending Baringa

Education Program - Throughout the year, your child/ren's room(s) will focus on many different topics. This will be documented in our program which can be found on the wall in each room. We love input and involvement from our families and children’s community. Please let us know if you can help us expand our education focus! Also, if you feel your child would enjoy a particular exploration please let us know. We love to offer children experiences that have been planned in a collaborative manner.

Communications - Storypark is the online program that educators and families can use to share photos, videos, and stories. This is also how educators share learning stories and assessments with families. If you need help finding this app please ask an educator. We also encourage you to read our fortnightly Family Newsletter and join us on Facebook.

Being involved - If you wish to spend time with your child at Baringa, this is best done during pick-up time. We recommend you keep morning drop-offs brief, however we ask that you always say goodbye to your child when leaving them. Throughout the year, we would love also your involvement in excursions, incursions and community events.

Pick ups - If your child is being picked up by anyone other than the authorised adults nominated in the Enrolment Form (e.g. parents and legal guardians) you are required to complete a pick-up form. Please confirm this arrangement at drop-off on the day or by phone. If staff are unfamiliar with the person when they arrive to pick up your child, they will be asked to show photo identification.

Personal Items - Please label all of your child’s items. Any unlabelled items will be placed into lost property. Any unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the beginning of each month.

Sustainability - If you are interested in taking home food scraps for your compost or animals, speak to your Team Leader or email us. We are also keent to hear your ideas about how we can keep working towards our sustainability goals - please let us know!

+ Medication, Allergies and Illness

Medication - If your child needs medication (e.g. antibiotics, eye drops, medicated creams etc.) you must complete and sign an Administration of Medication Authorisation form and give medication to an educator for appropriate storage.

Allergies and Anaphylaxis - If your child has allergies and has an Action Plan, please bring it with any medication (EpiPen, ventilators, diffusers etc.) and ensure it is clearly labelled with their name. Please ensure we have current medication within its expiry date that exactly matches that of the Action Plan or letter from Doctor. Please refer to our Medical Conditions Policies.

Illness - We ask that you not bring your child to Baringa if they have had Panadol for any reason within the past 24 hours. Please refer to our Exclusion Policy for more information or ask an educator.
